buy personalized vanity license plates
If you've wondered where you can buy personalized vanity license plates for your car or truck, we've compiled a listing of websites that you can reference for your states Department of Motor Vehicles and Licensing. Some states offer online purchasing of your vanity plates online and some don't. Please follow the link for your state for details and information.

Alabama Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado
Connectiut Deleware District of Columbia
Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Lousiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Montana
Montana Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

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USA Vanity Plates provides these links solely as a convenience to our visitors and is not associated in any way to any motor vehicle licensing agency. If you encounter a bad or changed link and wish to notify us, please email us.